Monday, November 14, 2016

Analysis of Damage Random Access Memory RAM

Analysis of Damage Random Access Memory RAM

Memory/RAM problem, can be group in two kinds

1. Memory dirty or improperly installed

When the computer is turned on, the sound of beep... beep... beep .... (video)
Picture a : remove memory
Picture b : clean the memory slots with a brush or vacuum cleaner
Picture c : clean gold layer with a pencil eraser
Picture d : install memory correctly

2. Memory problem
Characteristic :
a. When the computer starts, appears a blue screen of death. Blue screen of death, can not be used as a benchmark, causing damage to the memory. Blue screen of death, has many meanings. To make sure, check with the Windows Memory Diagnostic Boot CD.
b. When do the operating system installed, the install process always fails (the message: file....... can not be copied). This is because; CD is damaged, CD Room is damaged, hard disk bad sectors, and the memory is damaged. To make sure, check with the Windows Memory Diagnostic Boot CD (support SDRAM, DDR1, DDR2, DDR3)

1. Download Windows Memory Diagnostic from Microsoft Online Crash Analysis
2. Extract file "Windows Memory Diagnostic.rar" and double click file mtinst.exe - Accept - Save CD Image to Disk... - Save

3. Download and install software ImgBurn_2.5.6.0 (freeware)
4. Insert a blank CD into CD Room - open ImgBurn - select Write image file to disc

5. Browse for a file ... windiag.iso - Write speed = 16x - Write. After finish, restart the computer - boot from CD Room. Windows Memory Diagnostic will run automatically.

Windows Memory Diagnostic in the DDR2 memory
RAM normal "No errors have been found"
RAM problem
Windows Memory Diagnostic in the DDR1 memory

DDR1 memory normal
DDR1 memory damage

Windows Memory Diagnostic in the SDR memory
SDR memory normal
SDR memory damage

 How to Fix Blue Screen STOP: 0x0000001A on Windows 7

I hope this article useful. Thanks

Available link for download