Friday, December 30, 2016

Anwsered all my programs start up during startup

Anwsered all my programs start up during startup

all my programs start up during startup.

Tried to stop that with msconfig.
Message says to log on to adminstrative account to change this.
How do I log on to administrator account ?

Anwsers to the Problem all my programs start up during startup.

Download Error Fixer (Free)

Running System Update Readiness Command

On running the System Update readiness Command, it will Detect & Replace Incorrect Registry data with the Correct one. Which may ultimately Solve all my programs start up during startup. in Windows.

  1. Open CMD as Administrator by Simply Right Clicking on Start button > Command Prompt (Admin).
  2. Now Type or Copy paste "DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth" and hit Enter,
  3. Now again Type or Copy paste this "DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth" and hit Enter.
  4. Close the Command Prompt Window because we are done.

Try and see if you still get the same error all my programs start up during startup. in your Windows.

Note: You may be prompted to enter your administrators password when you try to execute certain system tasks!

Recommended Method to Repair the Problem: all my programs start up during startup.:

How to Fix all my programs start up during startup. with SmartPCFixer?

1. Click the button to download Error Fixer . Install it on your system.  Open it, and it will perform a scan for your computer. The junk files will be shown in the scan result.

2. After the scan is finished, you can see the errors and problems which need to be repaired.

3. The Repair part is finished, the speed of your computer will be much higher than before and the errors have been fixed. You can also use other functions in SmartPCFixer. Like dll downloading, junk file cleaning and print spooler error repair.

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Available link for download