Saturday, January 14, 2017
7 Golden Rules Of Social Media Management
7 Golden Rules Of Social Media Management

Social media promotion becomes an integral part of overall promotional strategy. One canÕt deny the fact that the influence of social networking sites grows and will continue to do so. The main thing to remember about social media promotion is persistence. The experts say that the results of your social media campaign can influence the sales only after 3 months of promotion -provided that the promotion was effective.
There are several key principles social media managers should utilize while promoting. ItÕs the base of successful social media promotion not depending on the site you use:
Rule #1
Make the social media strategy measurable and continuing your general strategy. The social media strategy should complement and be one of the tools of the general goals achievement. The biggest mistake of social media managers is not knowing why they need social media promotion at all. So, before clicking Òcreate a profileÓ sit and list the aims you want to achieve with the help of social media.
Rule #2
Know who you want to reach. Target audience is the key, isnÕt it? Spend some time doing a research to find out where your potential customers are concentrated. If youÕre aimed at teenagers, maybe, itÕs high time to register at Instagram and Tumblrinstead of classical Facebook page?
Rule #3
Be focused. In spite of the advisers saying you should register everywhere itÕs possible, itÕs not the best idea. How are you going to manage ten social media profiles successfully? The right social media management is something more that just posting, and it takes time. The optimal number of profiles is 2 or 3.
Rule #4
Utilize 20/80 rule. As follows, only 20% of the content you post on your company page should be promotional, and 80% should be interesting, entertaining or valuable for readers. Nobody likes to see ads only in his newsfeed, so if you promote too much, people will unsubscribe.
Rule #5
DonÕt post about yourself only. You will only win if in addition to the information about your business you post some industry news, latest trends or some entertaining stuff. Show the personal approach and be something more than promotional posting machine.
Rule #6
Be interactive. The fact that you use social media assumes that having conversation should be an initial part of your promotion, and those who communicate with existing and potential customers win more than those who donÕt. At first, you can inform the subscribers about your product and services to make them want to buy it. Secondly, you can get the feedback and improve something based on them. And finally, your attention increase the customersÕ loyalty as well as the chance the customer will come back to you again.
Rule #7
Analyze and optimize. Constantly check at what time people see your updates more often, and schedule more updates for posting in these hours. Also follow what kind of updates get more likes and reposts, and focus on giving your subscribers this kind of information. Be ready to give something to your subscribers, donÕt show your promotional goals and it will take you far!
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