Sunday, January 29, 2017

Analysis of Hard Disk Bad Sector Part 3 5

Analysis of Hard Disk Bad Sector Part 3 5

2. a. Bad sectors expanded has an random pattern

When a operating system error, solution is to repair the operating system. However, when repair operating system always failed, the last solution is to install a fresh copy operating system (assuming; cause of damage is not a virus). Format drive C and install fresh copy the operating system is not the best solution. We have to think, bad sectors may cause of corrupt operating system. Based on experience, when cause of damage is bad sectors, format and install fresh copy OS, will worsen the damage hard disk, and bad sectors will expand.

When repair OS Windows XP always failed, we have to think, bad sectors may cause of corrupt OS. 
Install fresh copy OS, not best solution
When repair OS Windows Vista always failed, we have to think, bad sectors may cause of corrupt OS.
Install fresh copy OS, not best solution
When repair OS Windows 7 always failed, we have to think, bad sectors may cause of corrupt OS.
Install fresh copy OS, not best solution
When repair OS Windows 8 always failed, we have to think, bad sectors may cause of corrupt OS.
Install fresh copy OS, not best solution

Hard disk, divided into three sections
1. Front area (system reserved and drive C)
2. Central area
3. Rear area

Front area (system reserved and drive C), central area, and rear area
1. If bad sectors beginning in the front area (drive C and system reserved)
Spread of bad sectors, will move forward or backward (but more likely to move forward), with irregular distribution pattern.
Spread of bad sectors, if there is in the front area
Bad sectors beginning in front area, will move forward, with irregular distribution pattern

2. If bad sectors beginning in the central area
Spread of bad sectors, will move forward or backward, with irregular distribution pattern.
Spread of bad sectors, if there is in the central area
3. If bad sectors beginning in the rear area
Spread of bad sectors, will move forward or backward (but more likely to move backward), has a regional pattern.
Spread of bad sectors, if there is in the rear area
Bad sectors beginning in rear area, will move backward, has a regional pattern

Bad sectors always initiated from a single point (one sector). If the point is not immediately repaired, damage will be more widespread. Bad sectors like a cancer growing on the hard disk. Widespread bad sector in hard disk, has an irregular pattern. Based on experience, bad sectors is growing very fast. Generally, we realize the cause of damage is bad sectors, after bad sectors were widespread. In this condition, work hard disks are not stable.

Bad sectors expanded
  1. Bad sectors beginning in front area (drive C or system reserved), will move forward or backward but more likely to move forward, with random pattern.
  2. Bad sectors beginning in central area, will move forward or backward, with random pattern.
  3. Bad sectors beginning in rear area, will move forward or backward but more likely to move backward, with regional pattern.
  4. Bad sectors expanded, have two patterns. Random patterns and regional patterns.
  5. The spread of bad sectors (forward or backward), resulted in the SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk. 
Why bad sectors expanded..?
Hard drive have three partitions (C/D/E). Example, bad on drive D (bad sector position on = LBA 300,000,000). On LBA 300,000,000, there is a file movie (file name; naruto.mp4). User dont know, if movie naruto.mp4 corrupt because bad sector, but every time he play movie, in position ....... minutes, movie cant play. To play naruto.mp4, used application windows media player (on drive C). In this condition, every time, user open naruto.mp4 file, bad sector will expand, on drive D (drive file movie) and on drive C (drive application to play movie).
What happens is, bad sectors will continue to spread in drive C and D.

Analysis of Hard Disk Bad Sector aims, so that we can detect bad sectors early, to prevent further damage. More severe the damage, more difficult to process improvement, and more difficult to rescue data. Prevent damage, more important than fixing. However, if damage has occurred, save the data is a major task

Read more about bad sectors expanded has an regional pattern,  Analysis of Hard Disk Bad Sector - Part 4/5

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